This map controls which set of tiling textures are used for specific parts of the material. It also behaves as a height map where the white pars are the highest. This map is used to adjust the blending of decals with the underlying surface. While the Black areas of the map represent the flat parts of the material. White areas of the map represent the shiny parts of the material This map will determine the roughness of the material.
White areas will use the Specular Tint color picker. Non-metal areas are represented by black and metal ares are represented by white. This map will determine which areas of the material are metallic and which are non-metallic. It will affect the amount of ambient light and amount of reflection probe will be visible on the surface. This texture is used only in specific cases where the user wants to show the shadows of deformities to the material more clearly. Usually used to give finer details on the material such as small scratches and other geometry details. This map applys detail to the image allowing certain errors to react to light to simulate holes, cracks, grooves and other deformities of the material. This does not include any lighting information for the material.
This map contains all the color data for the image as well as an Alpha channel if required for blend textures and alpha textures.